O quê?

Coordenador De Suporte Técnico Bilingue

10.422 avaliações
São Paulo - SP
R$ 3.700,00 (Bruto mensal)
6 mai

Use established procedures and work under immediate supervision, performing assigned tasks. The work is routine and instructions are usually detailed. Resolve routine issues and problems and escalate more complex issues to higher levels. Ability to maintain a great relationship with the customer. Ability to maintain a great relationship with the Field Services team. Ability to provide feedback to the team for continuous improvement. Need to provide continuous improvement in current operations. Present the results and provide all information related to the services provided with improvements and actions to accelerate KPIs. Report daily your activities and actions to improve services to the Operational Manager. Completed Bachelor's degree Experience in team management and development. Advanced English. Physical Work:(Jabaquara/Morumbi - São Paulo/SP) Benefícios: -. Vale-refeição -. Vale-transporte -. Assistência médica -. Assistência odontológica -. Seguro de Vida

Número de vagas: 1

Tipo de contrato e Jornada: Efetivo – CLT - Período Integral

Área Profissional: Coordenador em Informática, TI, Telecomunicações - Suporte Técnico

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  • Escolaridade Mínima: Ensino Superior
  • Experiência desejada: Entre 3 e 5 anos
  • Inglês (Avançado)
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